
Author Topic: Getting the corresponding pixel in the original image from a pixel in the ortho  (Read 5294 times)


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I have the final orthomosaic image. I want to do the following task:
- Given a pixel coordinate in the orthomosaic image, I want to find the corresponding pixel coordinate in the original raw image.
The images in my chunk are not georeferenced.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
« Last Edit: July 07, 2021, 07:11:03 PM by arjunkg96 »


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Orthomosaic coordinates are 2D, but to obtain reprojections on source oriented images you need the 3rd coordinate. So you must have at least a dem under the orthomosaic to get what you want.
So I guess the workflow is
Ortho image coordinates (2D) >> world 2d coordinates >> projection on DEM/model to gather Z >> reproject 3D point to source images >> get reprojection pixel coordinates.
You need python but is doable.


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Thank you very much for your help. I am new to this and still figuring out the Python API. Could you please point me to the exact function calls I will need to use for the workflow you suggested? Or if there is a snippet of code which gets this done, could you please share that?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.
