I'm creating a model from RGBI images, sampling a point cloud from the mesh, and exporting the point cloud in LAZ format.
When importing the images, the NIR channel is not correctly detected, therefore, I set it manually this way:
for sensor in Metashape.app.document.chunk.sensors:
sensor.bands = "Red", "Green", "Blue", "NIR"
This works and the resulting point cloud has a channel for the NIR band, which I can confirm by switching the primary channel of the chunk to NIR.
When I export this point cloud as .ply or .xyz, the NIR channel gets exported as well, but if I export the point cloud as .laz file, it gets saved in version 1.2 format 2, which does not support the NIR channel.
I tried to explicitly set the name of the bands for the point cloud before exporting it:
chunk.point_cloud.bands = ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "NIR"]
However, this did not fix the issue.
What could be the problem here?