Hi everyone,
I am writing on Metashape forum because I need some advice for a huge work.
My machine is an Intel i9 18 core, 128 GB RAM, GeForce 3060 RTX 12GB, 4TB SSD, Motherboard Asus Prime X299-A2.
I am working with Metashape to reconstruct a big wooden church choir, it has a lot of details and I took 1620 pictures of this object.
Since it is the first time I use Metashape for a big project, I tried to work with all the 1620 uncompressed pictures (25mb each photo). The alignment worked but once I tried to do the dense cloud the computer wasn't able to process the action. My SSD and RAM jumped to 99-100% of activity and the completion rate did not advance once 4% was reached (even if I left my computer working for days).
So I decided to create the dense cloud dividing the church choir into smaller parts, but the results of the alignment weren't as good as the alignment of the whole object with 1620 pictures. Indeed I would say that the results obtained were full of errors. So I just tried to reduce the size of the pictures to 4-6 mb each. This time I reached about 70% of completion with a normal use of memory, CPU, etc, after 70% everything goes to 100% and the completion rate doesn't advance.
Is there a "right way" to go for this kind of big projects? What would be the steps you would take to get a good result?
Furthermore, from my experiments, I noticed that it is more difficult to obtain a good result by dividing the project into smaller parts rather than processing big objects as a whole, but in this case obviously we have to contend with the limits of computer performance. Is there a way to subdivide a big the project without losing quality in the result? Maybe doing the alignment of all the 1600 photos, and after that dividing it in 4 chunks and creating smaller dense clouds (I am now trying to proceed in this way, but it is just an experiment).
Thank you so much for your patience and information.