
Author Topic: Naming RunScript within 'Batch Process' dialog to custom name field?  (Read 2100 times)


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Proposal to add in capability of a 'name' or other field for a RunScript call. Currently, users will only see batches (.XML) appear with a series of 'RunScripts', without the ability to provide more verbose names (and see them within the dialog). Users can only recover some of the information they are looking for (e.g. what the script is doing) by selecting Edit, and looking at Path.

It would be beneficial if one could provide a 'name' field that appears in the Batch Process list instead of just seeing 'RunScript'. For example, I may want to have a series of steps that appear with our internal names such as 'Stitch w. match points' (path=.../, 'Write out and copy to local machine' (path=../, etc vs. what we see, e.g. 'RunScript', 'RunScript'. See attached.

Thank you for the consideration.


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This would be a great addition, it's tedious currently if you need to change the order of individual scripts without being able to see which is which.

I think bare minimum let us see the script name, not the full path, just the script name, next to 'run script' in the batch window.

Best case scenario would be loading a description tag from the script itself, as the OP suggested.