One fact, that right after you drag and drop photo files into project, metashape is checking all files(quite quick process), but on background all files are read from disk and automatically stored in RAM as cached files.
So my point is, that if you start align process right after checking process in dialog is done, you have few photos in RAM and rest still on disk.
You have 3 GPUs, which is enormous pressure on reads from disk.
Also I dont know how much RAM your system have, how big are your photos(megabytes) and if your amount of RAM is able to absorb all 100k files for quick feeding your 3 GPUs.
Photos stored on HDD instead of SSD can cause also significant slowness if photos are not already cached in RAM.
What you describing "1.5s delay every 20 photos" could be cause by facts I mentioned, but also some changes between 1.4/1.5/1.7 versions...can't tell more.
You can check how much your disk is reading during point detection and what is the value of cached RAM in task manager.
You also should be able to see fluctuating PCIE bus usage on each GPU in gpuz utility during delays.
I made quick test on small 200 photo set. When I started align process after all reads from disk ended, the speed of point detection was constant and quick. When I started align process right after drag and drop, point det. on half photos was quick and then the process was slower until the end, because my HDD was stil lreading photos.