Hi, here is a result of test i did recently ,I did the capture of the subject out-door (weird). I took 12 jpeg photos covering about 270° of the head using Canon 7D.

Here is the parameter of the capture

for data processing i used a Laptop HP Pavilion g6 (CPU: i7-3632QM @ 2.2 Ghz , RAM: 6GB, GPU: AMD 7670M 2GB)
The alignement was done in 78 sec
mesh building in 849.23 sec (100000 poly)
The hair was well captured yes there is some messing parts because of the subject hair cut and lighting
I'm still testing and from those result I think I can get the same result with about 10 shots only and 360° head capture with 12 or 14 cameras in better condition, in a room with light setup