
Author Topic: Sequoia camera; reflectance calibration without reflectance panel images  (Read 2560 times)


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Greetings. I have some old images acquired using a Parrot Sequoia 4-band camera. Unfortunately, it appears that either I neglected to get images of the reflectance panels or maybe I have just lost those images. I did fly with the sun sensor in place. I tried doing the "calibrate reflectance" procedure just using the sun sensor but I got a "calibration failed" message. Can anyone provide a suggestion on how to proceed? It is not clear to me if the sun sensor data is attached to each image or where it is stored. In looking at the image properties and "details" tab for each image, I don't see anything that looks like calibration data.

Thanks for any suggestions!
David Wallin

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Sequoia camera; reflectance calibration without reflectance panel images
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2021, 05:15:53 PM »
Hello David,

Could you please send the sub-set of images from this project to, that can be used to reproduce the reflectance calibration issue? Additionally please specify the version of Metashape Pro that you are using.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC