
Author Topic: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?  (Read 6526 times)


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Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« on: November 01, 2021, 02:50:22 AM »
I need to try 1.7.1 to solve the blurred mesh bug in 1.7.4,but as 1.7.4 managed to allign all photos in a project with glazing reflections, I was impressed, even if it failed on the next chunk of cab interior rejecting the very same photos it aligned in the first chunk !

I also absolutely dont want to lose Photoscan 1.2.6 as its the texture maker instead of 1.7.4

As such do I have to uninstall 1.7.4 ?

also where will 1.7.1 get its Licence number from ? I dont have it in my version folders, perhaps it picks up on the one for photoscan.

I have asked support this but no reply received.



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Re: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2021, 05:44:57 AM »
The key is to install the oldest versions first...  Copy and rename their install folders, then install the next updated version you want.  You can do this for as many versions as you want.

Uninstall any newer versions...
Install 1.7.1
Go to
C:\Program Files\Agisoft\
And make a copy the Metashape folder...
Then rename it to "Metashape 1.7.1"
Create a shortcut for metashape.exe in that folder, rename it to 1.7.1 and put it in your start menu, desktop, etc.

Now install the updated 1.7.4, and it'll upgrade the existing installation still in the original Metashape, as per usual.

I think the license just works now, but i seem to remember Alexey saying about copying over a licence file on older version...

you now have 2 or more versions installed.

Just remember to copy the existing installation folder and rename before you install any future upgrades, and you'll then maintain all the versions.

I did put in a Feature Request, such that the installer has an option to install it into a separate folder, names with the version, build, etc, and with separate preferences (optionally imported at install)...  Then we'll be able to install as many versions as we would like, for instance, trying out the pre-release versions, without affecting the current version we're using in production...  Then later, when the newer version gets released, you could then upgrade.  And then you could just uninstall the other versions from Window's settings...

Being able to have multiple versions installed is proving to be very important.
As this software is evolving fast, and we do regularly have to deal with bugs that demand downgrading, and the newer builds requiring testing.

I'm currently downgraded to 1.7.3 due to the blobby mesh holes bug in 4 & 5...
« Last Edit: November 01, 2021, 05:47:19 AM by CheeseAndJamSandwich »
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Re: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2021, 04:11:16 AM »
Hi, I am not quite following this, If I make a copy of 1.7.4 and rename it to 1.7.1 then install 1.7.4

Now install the updated 1.7.4, and it'll upgrade the existing installation still in the original Metashape, as per usual.

where in all this do I get 1.7.1 actual ?

Do you mean install 1.7.1 and it will seek out the folder renamed 1.7.1 ?



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Re: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2021, 01:18:03 PM »
Install 1.7.1
Copy it's folder in program files/agisoft/ and rename it to something sensible
so there's now two... Metashape  and Metashape 1.7.1
now install 1.7.4.

the 'Metashape' folder will contain the latest version...  1.7.4
You do have to create a shortcut to metashape.exe that's in the 'Metashape 1.7.1' folder, as the start menu shortcut will only point to the latest version in the 'Metashape' folder...  That shortcut will be put on the desktop when you try and create it...  again, rename it to 'Metashape 1.7.1'

We need a tidier, formal way of doing this properly.  As i've requested.

Alexey.  could we have the version of Metashape displayed in the application title bar please?  optionally, or always.
As it'll be useful to keep track of what version you've loaded a project in, when testing, or avoiding bugs with newer version to do certain tasks with the older versions...  Double clicking on the file will always open the newest...  which, when testing, quite possibly will not be the one you want it to open with!  Then it spits out blobby meshes after hours of processing...  been there, done that...  :'(
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Re: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2021, 03:17:46 AM »
ok got that.
I will back up PC just in case.

Where will the install of 1.7.1 get the needed key code from ?

I cant see it anywhere in a folder or email on my pc, and I do remember hell on earth trying to get 1.7.4 to actually run.

I think Kaspersky had something to do with it. Maybe as its in permitted progs that side of things will be ok., but the code ? will it see the code Photoscan uses ?

I dont want 1.7.1 to nuke Photoscan , might it ?

Why cant we have a better newer version, 1.8 looks troubled in initial feedback.



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Re: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2021, 10:32:29 AM »
ok got that.
I will back up PC just in case.
Do the backup because you should back up... but no real need to for this.

Where will the install of 1.7.1 get the needed key code from ?
It just works.

I dont want 1.7.1 to nuke Photoscan , might it ?
I seem to remember Alexey saying to copy the licence file over for the older versions... but it just works for the newer ones...  I think it'll just keep working as is... As long as you copy over the folder in the same way...  If it's not in the default folder, it won't be touched.  Only the default folder gets updated.

You can have as many versions as you want... You'll just have lots of Metashape n.n.n/Photoscan folders in you /Program Files/Agisoft folder/....  Just name then and their shortcuts to metashape.exe such that you know which one you're starting.

I've had 5 versions installed a while ago.
And it's so easy to download any released version by just editing the download link.
So it's handy for finding out which version a bug was introduced...

If things go tits-up, just fully uninstall, then start again, with the oldest version first, copy-rename, next, and so on.

I still think the Installer could be made such that it would allow for parallel installations... such that going forward, it'll be dead easy...  As in a year or two or more's time, we'll still be talking about this annoyance in juggling versions... as bugs are as certain as taxes and death.

Why cant we have a better newer version, 1.8 looks troubled in initial feedback.
They're allowed to have bugs in 1.8, as it's a pre-release...  If it's released with the known bugs not fixed, then that's not ideal...  I'm just hoping there's some miracle new way of aligning my photos in 1/5 the time!!! lol ... or even a speedup we got from moving to depth maps....  But i fear these big savings may become much, much rarer...
My 'little' scan of our dive site, 'Manta Point'.  Mantas & divers photoshopped in for scale!
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