Hello together,
I want to do an automatic evaluation method on a gravel plant, that is to be flown weekly for volume calculation.
I can produce automatic a point cloud from uav-pictures and markers with coordinates. But now I will integrate in my script the volume calculation.
My first solution approach is, to write a polygon with fixed coordinates in the script. The problem with this method is, I have overlapping gravel heaps which every weak growing or shrink. The polyline could have every week other coordinates. (Picture HW2)
My second solution approach is, to produce automatic breaklines, where the gravel heaps are. But I can’t find a way to produce them automatically.
Did anyone have a solution for my problem? Now I have Agisoft Metashape and Civil 3D. It would be fine to do the automatic processing with one of this software or with other open-source products. I tried cloudcompare. But now I can’t produce in CC automatic breaklines.
Is there a way to do that in Metashape with phyton?
Sorry for my English, but I hope you can understand the problem
Thanks for Help and
Best regards from the Black Forest
Addendum: Now I put the dense cloud in two classes, the ground points and the gravel pile points. But the piles are diffrent materials, so I need the piles in diffrent classes. Do everyone know how I can do that?