
Author Topic: What happens if I activate my license in a Docker container, and then delete it?  (Read 3967 times)


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We use Docker containers as a core part of our workflow. We often deactivate an MS license on a container, and then reactivate on another container. But, what would happen if we activate a license on a container, and then remove it without deactivating the license first? Are we doomed? This would be a very complicated issue for our product.



Alexey Pasumansky

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Hello Sergio,

If the license is not deactivated before the container is removed, you would likely have to contact our support in order to recover the lost license.

To avoid such issues, you may consider using the floating licenses for Docker containers, providing that container has Internet access or is working in the same network with the local floating license server. In this case activation/deactivation procedure is not required, as the node (container) will receive Metashape license from the server automatically.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC