
Author Topic: How can I get CAD prog to display model as Agisoft Solid view monocolor ?  (Read 1503 times)


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One for Rhino3D users. though other CAD progs may have same method so anyone is invited to answer.
I originally titled is as Rhino3D but other CAD users might have a  method that works in Rhino3D.

Ideally a Rhino3D user might have the answer.

In metashape and Photoscan, the model is displayed in a single colour, (violet on my version) called 'solid' mode, and one can assess where the surface is best and where its a bit lumpy or even has holes.

I need this view in my CAD prog, so I can see where best to place sections before redrawing as curves and surfaces using the CAD progs geometry tools, making a normal model, using the mesh just for reference.

I export from agisoft as an .obj
I import the obj into Rhino. Then in rendered mode one has to select the mesh, alter assign material from 'Layer' to 'Object' then click colour and browse to the .jpg file the obj created.
Then in shaded mode I can pull in that hi res texture version using command SetObjectDisplayMode and delect mesh then select rendered in options,  it displays model as if viewed in rendered mode. VERY USEFUL.

Then we see the hi res raster image, as viewed in Agisoft.

I need to toggle between the Rhino hi res texture image and an image just like the 'solid' mode one in Agisoft.

How do I create that Agisoft 'solid' mode type monocolour model showing lumps and bumps image in Rhino3D such that I can go back and forth between it and the hi res image with a command or click ?
I need to see where the smooth areas are when placing sections then revert to the hi res image to continue with those sections.

