Nikon D3200 seems to be the camera of choice these days, replacing Canon 600D, with main rationale behind it being price advantage over 600D, but also, to quote Lee on FB, "These things are as quick as gunslingers! Very fast and perfect sync compared to 600D's".
Now, I understand the price factor all too well, but speed? Can anyone (Lee?

explain what that means specifically with respect to 3D scanning?
With devices like Shutter Cell/Camera Axe/Multi Flash Plus, one can precisely synchronize cameras with flash units, no matter how big the shutter lag is (btw. D3200s shutter lag is larger than D600s), as long as shutter lag is consistent. To me both D3200 and 600D seem to have consistent shutter lags but I didn't have time/means to do very precise tests yet - I can only confirm they are both light years ahead of old Canon 550D.
1) Is D3200's shutter lag much more consistent than 600Ds?
2) Are there any other important speed/synch factors I am missing?
3) Isn't D3200 a tad soft for precise 3D reconstruction? Does sharpening photos help?
Oh, just to be clear, this is all for internal indie studio use, I am not about to offer scanning services and poach anyone's business

Also, I only do occasional scans so convenience (battery bay doors blocked by camera mount etc.) are of secondary importance, although it would be nice to hear all known pros and cons.
Thanks in advance!