Lots of valuable insight gentlemen, thank you!
One thing that surprised me a lot Lee was that you put 600Ds above D7100 and D800/D800E in terms of resolved detail, wow!
D3200s are insanely soft, true, but my D7100 looks razor sharp (right up there with 600d) and although I haven't had the pleasure to work with D800/D800E, the resolution charts from these babies look insane!. Perhaps at higher f-stop light diffraction inside the lens (and we rarely use high end glass on our multi-cam setups, do we) decreases resolved resolution to levels where the 36mpix sensor doesn't matter anymore.
One additional thing to note is that I have witnessed numerous and serious build quality issues on higher end Nikons. My D7100 saves photos to cards erratically (every now and then the file is corrupt), that frigging custom usb port has gotten loose after less than 10 times I plugged the cable, and yeah, cable length is a joke. From what I hear, there are lots of units with faulty focus (tendency to left-focus and such), and don't get me started on oil spills soiling the sensor...
Long live 600d!