My summary of this thread (feel free to add/correct if I missed something or if I got anything
Canon 600D: (from my own experience)
+ excellent image quality
+ reasonable price
+ standard USB connection with decent cable lenght
+ wide range of lenses, including good but affordable ones
- syncs slower than Nikon, occasional lag inconsistencies
- can't fully open battery bay while mounted
Nikon 7100D: (from my own experience)
+ excellent image quality (virtually same res as 600D, slightly better dynamic range)
+ battery bay fully accessible when mounted
+ fast shutter, syncs better, more consistent
- 2,5 times the price of 600D
- larger filesize=Photoscan needs more memory and time to produce results identical to 600D
- silly proprietary USB cable (at least decent lenght, compared to D3200)
- occasional build quality issues (faulty USB port, oil spills on sensor, defective focus)
- somewhat more expensive lenses
Nikon D3200 (from my own experience)
+ significantly cheaper than 600D
+ syncs faster than 600D
+battery bay fully accessible when mounted
- produces very soft images
unsuitable for serious photogrammetry- silly proprietary USB cable, absurdly short
Nikon D800/E+ super speedy and syncs fast
+ good image quality (although supposedly does not edge 600D despite 36mp vs 18mp)
+ excellent build quality
- extremely expensive
- full frame means DOF issues
- full frame means expensive and less flexible lenses
- oil spills soil the sensor
Here goes another crop comparing D3200 vs 600D vs D7100, full images available upon request: is obvious: Considering price, quality and performance, Canon 600D remains as the
most reasonable and most widely recommended DSLR for multicam photogrammetry. A camera that is 2 and a half years old...
