
Author Topic: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.  (Read 11305 times)


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Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« on: September 27, 2014, 03:04:37 PM »
Given a set of point correspondences between image pixel coordinates and world coordinates. Can these be added by python code?

I could put them into a file like this:

#img Label  #px_x #px_y #world_x #world_y (is #altitude also needed)  per row.


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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 03:23:36 PM »
So far I manually added 4 markers and added those to cameras also and inspecting the structure of


and reading documentation its a little hard to figure out what is the proper way to add those markers with python.

I have tried:

nmark = PhotoScan.Marker()
nmark.label = "hello"

But it dint show up in UI, so guessing that it need to be added in more places before it shows up.


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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2014, 04:07:42 PM »
Have progressed alittle bit.

When photos have been loaded the location of them is in the ground_control object.

currentChunk  =
currentChunk.ground_control.locations.items()  #All cameras have a location in given CRS

#Then a new marker can be created.
#create marker
nmark = PhotoScan.Marker()
nmark.label = "hello"

#Then it can be enabled and its world coordinate can be set in the projection used.
# Add ground controll location for the given marker.
currentChunk.ground_control.locations[nmark].coord = (0,0,0)
currentChunk.ground_control.locations[nmark].enabled = True

But sadly, setting it to enabled do not trigger update in UI. (Not sure if its needed or not, as i am automating it anyway).


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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2014, 04:27:33 PM »
One step closer.

currentChunk  =
currentChunk.ground_control.locations.items()  #All cameras have a location in given CRS

#create marker
nmark = PhotoScan.Marker()
nmark.label = "hello"
nmark.projections[(currentChunk.cameras[0],0)]= (0,0) # set pixel coordinates

# Add ground controll location for the given marker.
currentChunk.ground_control.locations[nmark].coord = (0,0,0)
currentChunk.ground_control.locations[nmark].enabled = True

# Add it at the end, then its enabled.

Its now enabled. Only thing missing is that the flag is blue in the UI and it only turns green when its moved with the mouse. Not sure if it needs to be green or not yet.

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 02:10:19 PM »

Providing that the input file has the information in the mentioned format (#camera_label #marker_label  #px_x #px_y #world_x #world_y #altitude) you can use the following code for marker projection input automation:
Code: [Select]
#markers batch import script

#camera_label #marker_label  #px_x #px_y #world_x #world_y #altitude

import PhotoScan
import os

doc =
chunk = doc.activeChunk
locations = chunk.ground_control.locations

path = "D:/input.txt"
file = open(path, "rt") #input file

eof = False
line = file.readline()

while not eof:

photos_total = len(chunk.cameras) #number of photos in chunk
markers_total = len(chunk.markers) #number of markers in chunk

line = file.readline() #reading the line in input file
sp_line = line.rsplit("\t", 6)   #splitting read line by four parts
camera_name = sp_line[0] #camera label
marker_name = sp_line[1] #marker label
x = float(sp_line[2]) #x- coordinate of the current projection in pixels
y = float(sp_line[3]) #y- coordinate of the current projection in pixels
cx = float(sp_line[4]) #world x- coordinate of the current marker
cy = float(sp_line[5]) #world y- coordinate of the current marker
cz = float(sp_line[6]) #world z- coordinate of the current marker

flag = 0
for i in range (0, photos_total):

if chunk.cameras[i].label ==
for marker in chunk.markers: #searching for the marker (comparing with all the marker labels in chunk)
if marker.label == marker_name:
marker.projections[chunk.cameras[i]] = (x,y) #setting up marker projection of the correct photo)
flag = 1

if flag == 0:
marker = chunk.markers[-1]
marker.label = marker_name
marker.projections[[i]] = (x,y)

if marker not in locations.keys():
locations[marker].coord = (cx, cy, cz)


line = file.readline() #reading the line in input file
if len(line) == 0:
eof = True
break # EOF

print("Import finished.")  #information message

I hope it works, I've tried to adjust similar script quickly for your task.

Probably, you do not need to import coordinates for each marker multiple times, because the number of projections is usually about 5-10.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2016, 07:39:07 PM »
I've been trying to get this code to work in the latest version of Photoscan. The code runs, but doesn't result in any markers being imported.

Has anyone worked with this script (or similar) with a recent version?

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2016, 12:17:45 PM »
Hello lefsky,

Please try the following code, I hope that it is compatible with the latest version now:
Code: [Select]
#markers batch import script
#compatibility PhotoScan Professional 1.2.5

#camera_label #marker_label  #px_x #px_y #world_x #world_y #altitude

import PhotoScan
import os

doc =
chunk = doc.chunk

path ="Specify the path to the file:") #"D:/input.txt"
file = open(path, "rt") #input file

eof = False
line = file.readline() #reading the line in input file

while not eof:

photos_total = len(chunk.cameras) #number of photos in chunk
markers_total = len(chunk.markers) #number of markers in chunk

sp_line = line.rsplit("\t", 6)   #splitting read line by four parts
camera_name = sp_line[0] #camera label
marker_name = sp_line[1] #marker label
x = float(sp_line[2]) #x- coordinate of the current projection in pixels
y = float(sp_line[3]) #y- coordinate of the current projection in pixels
cx = float(sp_line[4]) #world x- coordinate of the current marker
cy = float(sp_line[5]) #world y- coordinate of the current marker
cz = float(sp_line[6]) #world z- coordinate of the current marker

flag = 0
for i in range (0, photos_total):

if chunk.cameras[i].label ==
for marker in chunk.markers: #searching for the marker (comparing with all the marker labels in chunk)
if marker.label == marker_name:
marker.projections[chunk.cameras[i]] = (x,y) #setting up marker projection of the correct photo)
flag = 1

if not flag:
marker = chunk.addMarker()
marker.label = marker_name
marker.projections[chunk.cameras[i]] = (x,y)

marker.reference.location = PhotoScan.Vector([cx, cy, cz])


line = file.readline() #reading the line in input file
if len(line) == 0:
eof = True
break # EOF


print("Import finished.")  #information message
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Placeing markers for georeferencing with python.
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2017, 10:03:11 PM »
I used this code for the marker georeferencing with python.
The code runs without error but I have no marker placed in my interface.
can you help me?