We are currently processing a 37km corridor working in 4.5km blocks and merging the chunks for three flight segments at a time. The images are from a Zenmuse P1 at 1.1cm/px so very high resolution.
When opening one of the projects this morning I received an error about a corrupt zip archive and the project wouldn't open. The merged chunks are huge, however I opened the project yesterday without issue so not sure how it got corrupted. I tried opening the <path-to-project>\02 Segments 4-6 Files\project.zip\6\0\point_cloud\\point_cloud.zip using Windows archive utility but the file was corrupt. Not wanting to have to generate the whole project again I manually removed the merged chunk: I opened doc.xml from the project.zip folder and removed the merged chunk (6 in this case) and renumbered the active and next chunk in the header.
The project opened fine and I merged the chunks again, hopefully without corruption!