
Author Topic: Model scaling  (Read 3957 times)


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Model scaling
« on: July 25, 2013, 01:21:54 AM »
in the last version of Photoscan I was able to easy scale my models only defining 2 markers of known distance and using the Resize button.
In the last version seems that this button misses and this function could be operate using the scale bar but I cannot follow the same previous procedure.
My workflow is:
-add images (they have gps position in EXIF but I don't import it)
-set Local coordinates
-build geometry
-add 2 markers
-press the measure/scale button
-trace a line between 2 markers
-select View Sources
-d-click on Distance and input the real value
-select with a tick this new scale bar

Now how to scale the whole model????  Update? Optimize?

After scaling, I've understood that I can measure any other markers pair , deselecting this scale bar, selecting View Estimated and create new lines reading their distance.
Is this a correct understanding?
Thank you for any answer
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 09:49:32 AM by speedbrake »