Darko, thank you for you info.
The settings i used are the ones that Wingtra says to use as default. Some of them are:
aperture between 4 and 5.6 (i suppose it's the 4.5)
Exposure: 1600
Exposure composition: -0.3
ISO: Auto
I tried a test project before i got your answer and i indeed tried the Frame Camera setting but I didn't enable the Rolling Shutter. I thought that the camera had a mechanical Shutter. Don't ask me why, i just forgot to check the shutter type on this camera. :-) Maybe because the other camera i use on Wingtra is the Sony RX1R II which has a mechanical shutter.
Anyway the results are pretty good (see pic) and the accuracy is about 1cm for X,Y and 5cm for Z at 3gsd without Ground Control Points.
Thank you for pointing out about Rolling Shutter.
Another question is about the "Adaptive Camera Model Fitting". I choose to not use this feature in Alignment and on Optimising. I have not tested yet with this option ON. Do you use it or you leave it unchecked?