Hello all,
I have been trying to scan in a buoy for a research project using Agisoft Metashape. I took two sets of pictures and am processing them in different chunks. The top half of the buoy has good features, and scans in fine. Then, I inverted the buoy and photographed the bottom of the buoy (which is now facing upward). When a point cloud is generated, the buoy is almost completely missing. The hemispherical shape and related features are completely missing.
After having this problem for the first time, I retook all of the photos and added markers around the model. These markers came in fine, but the bottom of the buoy is still missing. I am using a high quality camera and a fair amount of photos (54, I think).
Any thoughts? I've included pictures of the actual buoy bottom as well as the terribly inaccurate dense point cloud.
In the end, I need to use this to create a surrogate buoy, so the cleaner the model the better.