
Author Topic: Is it possible to encrypt our python code using locale module in Metashape?  (Read 2615 times)


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Hello Everyone!
I'm just wondering is it possible for us to encrpyt our python code using locale module in Metashape environment? Right now I'm developing some script and it will be used by a lot of people, and I want to encrypt those code so the user cannot read the raw file.
Thank You!  :D

Alexey Pasumansky

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Hello dwieka,

The question seems to be quite general for Python scripts, as it is not related to Metashape module itself.
​There could be several ways of solution, although they are not ideal.The main option is script obfuscation, see related links below:

Another way is creating an executable from the code and all required dependencies, such option can be based on stand-alone Metashape Python module:


Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC