
Author Topic: Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)  (Read 6830 times)


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Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)
« on: August 07, 2022, 07:29:15 PM »

Please help me here. I've tried to merge 2 chunks (dense point clouds) to no avail. I researched that I must first transform the chunks as in all three types of transformation (move, rotate, scale):

The thing is that when I show the aligned chunks, the dense point clouds are already perfectly aligned and don't need to be moved etc.

I try to merge the chunks yet the resultant merged chunk does not have the dense point cloud included, just the cameras and tie points.

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2022, 05:12:35 AM »
I have never actually had to transform either - but I usually don't use dense point clouds and don't try to merge models or depth maps either.  I just merge the chunks (sparse cloud) and then rebuild the mesh (from depth maps).  Are you sure the 'merge dense clouds' option is ticked on the merge chunks dialog box?  I just ran a test and it works for me.


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Still can't merge chunks with dense point clouds
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2022, 12:34:04 PM »

Please help.

2 questions that I had asked a while ago but no answers:

1. I created 4 chunks with images, tie points, depth maps and dense clouds. I have aligned the chunks and all chunks have R next to them. When I merge the chunks and select dense cloud in the merge option, the resultant merged chunk only has the cameras and tie points and no depth maps or dense clouds (even though I had selected 'dense clouds' in the merge chunks options. How do I ensure that all 4 dense clouds are merged into one? I would like to use the new merged chunk to be able to build a DEM and orthomosaic.

2. To try something different I exported dense clouds for each chunk as DCP files and imported only the DCP files into a chunk. I then deselected the 'set as default' and selected all 4 dense clouds and merged them. The result only gets to 95% before it finishes yet there is no merged dense cloud to be see at all. Where could it be? With this merged dense cloud I would like to create a DEM and orthomosaic.

Thank you.


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Re: Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2022, 12:47:24 PM »
Thanks. Yes, I did select the dense clouds option when merging the chunks yet it gets to 26% and says its finished. The resultant merged chunk only has tie points and cameras, nothing else. I've spent a month everyday trying to sort this out but no luck. The reason I have made chunks in the first place is that I have 2361 images from an UAV project with the images taken nadir. I'm trying to get a DEM and orthomosaic out of this. I have 32gb RAM and a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 TI. Any suggestions?

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2022, 05:44:53 PM »
Hello warrenburton,

If you are using Metashape Pro and the chunks do not show [R] or [T] mark next to their label in the Workspace pane, please try to execute the following line in the Console pane and then use Merge Chunks option with the desired parameters:
Code: [Select]
for chunk in chunk.transform.matrix = chunk.transform.matrix
In case this approach doesn't work, please specify the version of Metashape that you are using and if you are merging only processed chunks?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 05:47:11 PM by Alexey Pasumansky »
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2022, 08:57:21 PM »
Hello warrenburton,

would you please share me the steps in making chunks alignment? I have tried it but it seems to be unsuccessful.

Many thanks and regards,


Please help.

2 questions that I had asked a while ago but no answers:

1. I created 4 chunks with images, tie points, depth maps and dense clouds. I have aligned the chunks and all chunks have R next to them. When I merge the chunks and select dense cloud in the merge option, the resultant merged chunk only has the cameras and tie points and no depth maps or dense clouds (even though I had selected 'dense clouds' in the merge chunks options. How do I ensure that all 4 dense clouds are merged into one? I would like to use the new merged chunk to be able to build a DEM and orthomosaic.

2. To try something different I exported dense clouds for each chunk as DCP files and imported only the DCP files into a chunk. I then deselected the 'set as default' and selected all 4 dense clouds and merged them. The result only gets to 95% before it finishes yet there is no merged dense cloud to be see at all. Where could it be? With this merged dense cloud I would like to create a DEM and orthomosaic.

Thank you.