Hi Alexey,
Thank you for your helpful response. I adjusted some of the syntax in the code and it worked.
For my own record, am I right in thinking that if my code opens the current document with the above syntax, if I use a script that also opens the current document as part of a network process after some other action has already been performed using network processing, it should open that document AFTER these actions have been performed, and not in its "old" state, even though there is no specific 'save' command inherent in network processing syntax? The path of the project does not vary between steps, it opens and saves the document without any change.
I believe the problem before was that RunScript was opening the original version of the .psx file, overwriting any previous network processing that had happened earler on in the script. I am not sure exactly the change in my syntax or workflow that made it work correctly, I'm just looking to understand how Metashape deals with these sorts of tasks.
Thank you.