Hi Alexey
I have definitely refined the sparse points a lot, trying to follow the steps and to get the recommended accuracies of a USGS methodology (
https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2021/1039/ofr20211039.pdf). The final accuracy in the Reference View is .009m, and .19pixels for the Chunk which is close to the recommendation. I've attached an image with the processing steps and parameters. For example, I filtered by Reconstruction Uncertainty 3 times, using 110 as the first threshold. Projection Accuracy was used twice, and Reprojection Error was used three times. The Chunks that were not used are stroked out in red.
I had assumed that if the cameras were still calibrated at the end of the sparse point filtering, they would
be used for the dense cloud generation. I can go back to one of the previous chunks during the sparse could filtering to generate the dense cloud, but the accuracies are not nearly as good until I get to the final filtering step and camera realignment.
There will be some movement in these images at the tree tops, but I was hoping the final sparse point cloud would be solid ground points.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I will look into upgrading the software.