Hi, how many nodes are you using and what are the HW specs.? and alignment parameters?
Matching points process speed depends on Key point limit value...with lower values 5000-10000 GPU has very little amount of computation to do and after each batch of matching task some calculations are needed on CPU...and during that moment GPU is not utilized...therefor you can not see GPU utilization 100% all the time, but only 25-50 as you described in your case.
But if you increase Key point limit to e.g. 40000, then you will see, that GPU will spending more time @100%.
Key point limit doesn't make sense set to high value if you don't have large photos e.g. 24Mpix or higher. If you are using 4k photos from camera, then it is almost impossible to increase GPU utilization during matching points task. Maybe, if it is possible, devs could increase matching points batch size for GPU, but I don't see more in depth that process
In other alignment processing subtask you can also see low GPU utilization, which can be caused by low disk read speeds, or by fact, that some process are CPU single threaded => GPU is not fed fast enough with data(first phase - detecting points).