Hi All,
I'm exporting dense cloud points for viewing in another application. The other half of my workflow requires point confidence to be included in the exported PLY file. My exports from the GUI with the AIP generated dense cloud are just fine when I have all the boxes checked, but my exports from the API lack the required Point Confidence field in the PLY despite using the TRUE argument (below). The API exported PLYs look fine otherwise.
chunk.buildDenseCloud(point_colors=True, point_confidence=True, keep_depth=True)
print(proj_name + " Dense Cloud built")
#Export Local points
if chunk.dense_cloud:
chunk.exportPoints(export_path + '/' + proj_name + '.ply',
source_data = Metashape.DenseCloudData,
save_normals = True,
save_colors = True,
save_classes = True,
save_confidence = True)
Any advice on the this issue?