
Author Topic: Merge Chunks or Merge Dense Clouds (after Importing Dense Clouds)  (Read 5678 times)


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Good day

I am my wits end here. Please help.

I have 3 questions:

1. I created 4 chunks with images, tie points, depth maps and dense clouds. I have aligned the chunks and all chunks have R next to them. When I merge the chunks and select dense cloud in the merge option, the resultant merged chunk only has the first chunks' dense cloud (see attached image). How do I ensure that all 4 dense clouds are merged into one? I would like to use the new merged chunk to be able to build a DEM and orthomosaic.

2. To try something different I exported dense clouds for each chunk as DCP files and imported only the DCP files into a chunk. I then deselected the 'set as default' and selected all 4 dense clouds and merged them. The result only gets to 90% before it finishes yet there is no merged dense cloud to be see at all. Where could it be? With this merged dense cloud I would like to create a DEM and orthomosaic.

3. Unrelated - from another project I have exported DEMs and orthomosaics as KMZ files yet when opening in Google Earth it says 'No result - empty KML file'. Why would this be? Is it due to the size of the KMZs (over 1gb)?

Thank you in advance!

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Merge Chunks or Merge Dense Clouds (after Importing Dense Clouds)
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2022, 07:01:23 PM »
Hello warrenburton,

When you select Merge Dense Clouds option in the Merge Chunks dialog only active dense clouds from separate chunks are merged to the resulting chunk as a one big dense cloud. So if it is the task that you are trying to solve, you should enable (Set as Active) the dense clouds in the original chunks prior to chunk merging operation.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Merge Chunks or Merge Dense Clouds (after Importing Dense Clouds)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2022, 09:27:13 AM »
Thank you for your response, Alexey. With help from Support we were able to figure out that it was a matter of space left on my SSD drive. Once I cleared enough space then the merged chunk was able to include the merged dense cloud. I was then able to build a DEM and orthomosaic.