Metashape 1.8.2
I go to numpad hit 5, and nothing happens, it should toggle ortho/perspective, it always used to.
I try the row of numbers and then it works.
Why has the logical place for left top bottom views, the numpad, been removed from such navigation ?
has everyone complained its not sensible to hit 4 for left view 8 for top and so on ?
I am in the throes of battling a win10 build where Msoft have decided to make change for changes sake, 3 weeks lost to such tactics, TRAGIC LOSS OF TIME, and to find my normal workflow altered in progs built by folk that I thought didnt do such as well, is upsetting.
also a 22 pic project sees 12 images not aligned, I try them in photoscan and ALL get aligned, despite flagging up the fact that photoscan always succeeds and metashape is forever failing in step 1, its still happening. It is unsettling to say the least that forward movement in the basics is not happening.