Hello kylebang,
Providing that the license server machine has a public IP address you should be able to make it work for the license check out by the nodes connected to the server via Internet.
Note that by default the communication between the connected clients and license server is performed via two TCP ports: RLM-server port (5053 by default) and ISV-server port (not fixed by default and first free port is used).
You can fix the selection of the ISV port by adding port=<number> line to all license files (.lic) on the server side, like:
ISV agisoft port=12345
Once the license files on the server are configured and you see that the floating licenses are available in the pool, please try to use ping command for the server IP from the client nodes to check, if it can be resolved. If it works, try using specific ports. For example, on Windows via PowerShell:
Test-NetConnection 111.222.333.000 -port 5053