
Author Topic: Archival imagery: scan quality  (Read 3110 times)


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Archival imagery: scan quality
« on: August 18, 2022, 12:36:39 PM »
Using archival images, some from glass plate, some from negative, some from positive slide. Upon rescanning to higher resolution, Metashape often produces worse results, or in order to achieve the same result as lower resolution scans, I have to use "low quality" for the dense cloud. Scanning/reproduction of old materials is its own topic, I understand this, and its very complicated to do well, however, what could be my mistake if high pixel count scans result in dense clouds with more holes?

Also, not sure if this is important, but metashape rates the "image quality" of the higher resolution scans much lower (like 0.2) vs 0.8 for lower resolution files. (Lower resolution = 2,000x2000 pixels and higher resolution = 10,000x10,000 in my case).

Could there be pre-processing I could do to help noise reduction, or any other tips to get the most out of the better scans? Or conversely, perhaps I am not rescanning in the best way?