Hello Albert,
In the previous version geometry merging procedure produced low quality geometry irrespectively to the quality used in original chunks. In the version 1.0.0 you can merge chunks without geometry and build mesh in the merged chunk already.
1. In 1.0.0, I can merge chunks without geometry, but lost the dense point cloud, which is calculated in each chunk. I want to do like this way: in each chunk, calculate camera pos, sparse point, and dense points, then edit the dense point. After that, align and merge the dense point to a new chunk, finally get mesh based this dense point. Now I just can do this: calculate the cam pos and sparse point, then merge them, next calculate dense point, and mesh. This is bad for me, because in my app, some photos are global zoom out, (whole body) some are detailed zoom in (face). The zoom out photo will destroy the detailed photo.
If we merge two chunks (with dense pont, without mesh), that is not good to lost the dense point.
2. I see, in last version, if merge the mesh, will lost some quality, but can get a whole closed model, this is very important I think. In the new combined version, as I said before, if can combine the dense point, that is also good, but now only can combine the sparse point or mesh, for the mesh, it is not closed model, with several layer, this is really bad, I need to do a lot work to edit it. Why not give two possibility here, for some users, like me, we still need.

And thanks for your feedback.