Hi again Dmitry.
This version is very promising, at least for aerial photography processing. I've generated, from a previous project already optimized and with markers, a dense point cloud in medium quality. After, I've generated a mesh from the dense point cloud with the suggested high settings. The number of polygons calculated by PS (suggested value) was quite lower than the number calculated in the previous version mesh with polygon number defined as 100000000 to generate the maximum number possible of polygons. PS 1.0b gave me about 4 700 000 polygons and version 0.9.1 gave me 25 000 000 polygons. Even so, differences are almost unperceivable and, to be honest, it seems that the 4.7 million surface is more similar to the real world surface than the 25 million one. This is great if it is consistent for all projects. The good news here is that, with this new PS workflow, you can generate a great quality mesh in less time and much less RAM. I'm impressed with the results so far. DEM's also tend to be smaller for the same final terrain quality.
Considering the orthophoto generation, the color correction feature works great and the general quality of the orthophoto is better (sometimes, in some areas, much better) than the previous version. I've noted impressive improvements in houses rooftops (the dem also produces better results here) and in areas with moving vegetation. I've only noted that PS tends to ghost slightly some moving objects such as cars, but this is not a problem considering the overall improved quality of the orthophoto, which is, by far, more important.
Just one question. To generate the highest possible mesh quality we still can use custom mesh settings with a high polygon number, as in the previous version?
I'm still trying to figure out how the "Classify ground points" from the dense point cloud works. It seems a very nice and powerful feature, similar to LAS tools, that can give us control to filter a wide range of terrain features. Although you must provide some documentation to give us perfect control over it.