
Author Topic: ortho view malfunctioning  (Read 2307 times)


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ortho view malfunctioning
« on: August 26, 2022, 08:05:18 PM »
Context: 3D model of a building mixing aerial and terrestrial photos. the project contains mesh, one projected DEM and several elevation façade planar orthomosaics.

My ortho view gets frozen when an orthomosaic is shown and I can neither drag (pan) nor draw. Zoom with mouse wheel also impossible, however magnification button works normally
If ortho view contains DEM, the odd behavior stops, and I can draw, pan, zoom etc.
If I switch to orthomosaic the problem comes back
But the weirdest finding is: if I de-default the existing DEM, then orthomosaic turns back to normal behavior, so it seems to be something related to DEM (projection) coexisting with orthomosaics (planar):

All with latest release.
Best regartds.