Dear Metashapers,
I hope you can help me figure out what is happening with my scaling.
As I mentioned on previous post, I do have underwater squared structures loaded with corals that I monitor using Structure from Motion photogrammety. Photos are taken from a distance of about 2m between the structure bottom and the camera. We have placed four "ruler bars" on the platform every time the pictures are taken. The main purpose of these bars is to be used as reference for scaling.
I've been creating DEM and Orthomosaic models for these structures using Metashape. However, I'm facing a problem with the scaling. I do add the markers (GCP) according to the location of the "ruler bars" to later use them to set my scale bars. In addition, I add another marker GCP at the center point of each of the four "ruler bars" and I use those markers for depth scaling.
Once I've created the four scale bars, I set the size in m of each scale bar and use the "update transform" to scale the model. After this step I do change the depth of my depth markers by changing the value under the Z column. I set the Z value to -2m. Then, after selecting those four depth markers, I use the "update transform" bottom. The resulting model has the scale bars messed up with an error of 1 to 2m, which is unnaceptable.
I'm not sure how much error does this introduces to the DEMs. I'm using these models to monitor growth of corals, so I use the orthomosaics to determine area and DEM to determine surface area.
I've tried to "update transform" the scale bars and depth markers simultaneously but it also results in huge errors associated to the scale bars.
Can someone please enlight me with possible solutions of any idea of why is this happening.
Are X, Y and Z scales tight to each other?
Thanks in advance for your help!