Thanks a lot for your answer, is it something you could test?
Concerning the platform, I've been working on Mac for a long time and I do a lot of other things than Metashape, I already have a lot of software on it and work habits, especially video editing and the Mac Studio is quiet and very very efficient for that

Moreover, I was able to test Metashape 1.8.4 on Mac and on PC in //.
With a basic Macbook Air M1 I had better performance than a core i7 / RTX2080 gamer PC under Windows. I imagine that the Mac Studio much more powerful than the MacBook Air will get very good results if Metashape allows to use all the cores

In fact, on Mac M1/M2 the memory is shared (unified) between the CPU and the GPU, which avoids transferring data (very time consuming) from one to the other and which allows to have a lot of video memory (64 or 128 GB). In the case of Metashape I guess this is important because the processing is done alternatively by the CPU and the GPU, I would like to have an opinion of the developers on this.