I am processing thermal imagery in Agisoft 1.8.3. Pictures were taken with XT 640 x 512 de FLIR. I found pixel sizes were 0.017*0.017 (in mm).
My first data set was taken in 2018 over a lake. Processsing worked great and was able to put together a good thermal orthomosaic.
1. I import my picture folder and select Multicamera system. 2. I calibrated the camera with pixel size. 3. Aligned pictures. 4. built densecloud 5. DEM and 6. Ortho for every chunks. 7. Applied raster transform with formula (B4/100)-273.15 to get degrees in celcius.
I aligned chunks with the RGB orthomosaic (marker based) and merged thermal chunks aftewards. It all worked great.
My second set of data is with the same drone and camera, over the same lake, but in 2019. I input same camera parametres and aligned pictures, which worked well. My Tie point cloud is looking good. But when I ask the software to build the Dense Cloud, it doesnt work. It only partially buids it (small scattered areas) and depth maps are minimal (4 to 10 for 300+ photos). It also sometimes shows error message saying Zero Resolution and generates nothing.
Is it possible that my pictures were corrupted if they were in a zipped file (RJPEG pictures)? First set of data was not shared in a zip file.
What am I missing. Why is the processing for same type of data not working now?
Any leads to what I should look into? Thanks a lot!!