Hi martin,
for a point with given (X, Y, Z) global coordinates, the following code will select and print the pixel coordinates (u, v) for each image where it appears:
chunk = Metashape.app.document.chunk
T = chunk.transform.matrix
X, Y, Z = (463949.694, 5271949.401, 402.461) # point with X, Y, Z global coordinates in chunk.crs
p = T.inv().mulp(chunk.crs.unproject(Metashape.Vector((X,Y,Z)))) # point in internal CS
print("Image pixel coordinates of point with following global coordinates ("+chunk.crs.name+"): ("+str(X)+","+str(Y)+","+str(Z)+")")
for camera in chunk.cameras:
if not camera.project(p):
u = camera.project(p).x # u pixel coordinates in camera
v = camera.project(p).y # v pixel coordinates in camera
if (u < 0 or u > camera.sensor.width or v < 0 or v > camera.sensor.height):
print(" Camera: {} u: {:.3f}\tv: {:.3f}".format(camera.label,u,v))
camera.selected = True
Hope this can be useful