So, I made a test photoset, I did put a camera on a car, camera is action camera with GPS and accelerometer.
So after alignments, from the 4 passes I made it matches 2+2 camera paths so I need to place markers to try to align.
So to make it easyer I select a group of cameras in the model and I move theese images to a separate group.
If I double click on one image in the grou opens up as scpected. BUT as I advance in the images with PAGE UP _ PAGE DOWN. It does not move withing the group in the workspace, what it does is that follows the order in the image folder!! this is sad because otherwise would make it much more convenient to place the markers.
Also, the highlight of the selected images is dark gray, over lighter gray background, this is horrible, is almost bisible and I found no preference options to chage. It should be something like organte or yellow, something with high contrast!.
Also as you move page up down, and the highlighted item is shown the scroll does not follow)