Just on a note concerning the 20mm 1.8 Nikkor (I use it): it is great for photogrammetry, distortion is no issue in Metashape and it has very low chromatic abberation (someting which shouldn't be neglected for photogrammetry).
Wide angle lenses are generally benifitial for architectural reconstructions, as every image has more information on surfaces parallel to the viewing direction (i.e. pillars sticking out of the facade), less images are needed (increasing the likelyhood of more consistent lighting outdoors) etc.
However, there is the issue of GSD and texture detail (i.e. walls with little texture variation for alignment and reconstruction) with 24 MP.
Concerning GoPros: this is a completely different topic (the distortion is close to fish-eye, not mentioning quality of lens, sensor size, trigger delay...)
If I get around to it, I can hopefully post more details on GoPros soon, as they also have their use cases.