This subject was brought up in another post, but no clear solution was arrived at.
I have recently upgraded to metashape 2.0, and I keep running into the "Assertion "3478972301441" failed at line 720!" error while building dense point clouds. I have been able to get past this by making sure I optimize camera alignment after and gradual selection and tie point removal. However, I am now using a co-alignment methodology for change detection, which involves aligning all imagery from several dates of the same location, aligning all of the imagery as one chunk, duplicating the chunk and deleting all cameras and tie point except those from a single date. One each date has been isolated in it's own chunk, I do not want to optimize camera alignment because I want to keep them consistent between chunks. But this results in the "Assertion "3478972301441" failed at line 720!" error.
Could you agisoft support or any users please advise me on how to overcome this error?
Thank you,