
Author Topic: Metashape Pro Local Network Licencing  (Read 4160 times)


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Metashape Pro Local Network Licencing
« on: March 07, 2023, 03:07:45 PM »

I am just waiting for some replacement parts to get our new processing computer up and running. Once the new machine going our old processing machine will not have much use.

I was wondering whether I can run the old machine just as a processing node without a licence. Its not worth us getting an additional licence for it but would be if I can use it to reduce processing time for free.

I had a quick look online and there was an old thread discussing it and from Alexys comment I think you can as he said

"PhotoScan instance run in server mode only doesn't require the license  activation  - only processing nodes and client application run in GUI mode (to perform some changes to the project) require activation."

He then referred people to the user manual which I downloaded the latest version and scanned through and didn't see anything confirming licencing.

Can someone please confirm if it is possible to set up a processing node without an additional licence with Metashape Pro v2.0 before I spend time trying to set it up.


Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Metashape Pro Local Network Licencing
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2023, 10:30:50 PM »
Hello James,

If you do not have your license key activated in Metashape 2.0, you can use this key to activate the license on the old machine that you have. When the replacement parts for the new machine will arrive, you can just deactivate the license on the old computer and activate it (with the same key) on the new machine.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Metashape Pro Local Network Licencing
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2023, 03:57:34 AM »
Hi Alexey,

The current licence is still on the old machine. I installed Metashape using a trial licence on the new machine while I tested it just in case something like that happened.

Once the new machine is up and running I will then transfer the licence to the new machine.

However, my question was trying to ask for confirmation whether I am able to have the paid licence only on the new machine and use the old machine just to add additional processing power for projects on the new machine in a network processing setup.

I do not want to be able to edit or access the files via the old machine simply use its additional processing power to help speed up the processing of our projects.

Is this possible with only one paid licence? I think you might of said it is when you said "PhotoScan instance run in server mode only doesn't require the license  activation  - only processing nodes and client application run in GUI mode (to perform some changes to the project) require activation." all Im trying to confirm is that my understanding is correct and you can actually run additional computational nodes without the need for additional licences, you just dont get access to the GUI and therefore cant edit or access the files on the machines without licences just add processing power to your system via the network and all interaction with the project files are done on the licensed machine.

If this is possible I think that is a great feature of Agisoft that I will spend the time learning how to setup it up and utilise.


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Re: Metashape Pro Local Network Licencing
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2023, 09:04:55 AM »
"processing nodes [...] require activation" means that to add processing power, you have to purchase another license per node.

The answer to your question is any computer that adds processing power requires a separate license regardless of whether it uses the GUI.
Hope that helps.