i like to aling 20 groups of frames but in pairs, i mean, 1-2 after the aligment disable group 1 and enable group 3 and aling, after disable 2 , enable 4 and aling......
The problem is that when i run manually selecting the groups and enableing and disabeling is working but if i run
enabled_cameras = []
for camera in chunk.cameras:
if camera.enabled:
chunk.matchPhotos(cameras=enabled_cameras, downscale=1, generic_preselection=True, keypoint_limit=50000, tiepoint_limit=15000)
the first pair is working but when i disable the 1 and enable the 3 the ouput is
Warning: Can't resume matching without keypoints
Keep key points is enables
version is 1.84 but the same problem in all the versions
What can i do?
Thanks for the help