Hi, I'm using metashape on an AWS instance. The instance has nvidia driver 515.65.01 and cuda11.7 installed.
After spawning the instance, the initial run always takes 30 seconds to find the GPU:
Found 1 GPUs in 0.040546 sec (CUDA: 0.040196 sec, OpenCL: 0.000329 sec)
Using device: NVIDIA A10G, 80 compute units, free memory: 22332/22592 MB, compute capability 8.6
driver/runtime CUDA: 11070/10010
max work group size 1024
max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
got device properties in 0.001279 sec, free memory in 33.9145 sec
From the second run on, the "got free memory" part is instant, meaning this is something related to cuda initialization.
However for our use we need to spawn a new instance every time, meaning we always waste 30 seconds. Is there any way to reduce the loading time?