You can calculate the quality of the images in Metashape, from 80 is a good value that I prefer to work with, your images are 50% below this value.
In order to achieve high-resolution ortho images or a highly accurate point cloud, you have to work on your recording technique with your drone. That just by the way.
I calculated the images, you can see my settings in the attached image. I'm working with the 2.02 beta, because there were problems with scan files in earlier versions, but that shouldn't affect this calculation here.
The result is good in terms of quality, despite the bad pictures. I can't judge why you have such bad results, just try a recalculation with my settings.
These settings are my default for any kind of alignment in Metashape.
The calculation takes a little longer, but the results are better, especially in poor recording situations with few identical points on the photos.