Hello everyone,
I have written the following Python program to add images and import reference. By running the program, images are added, but the reference is not imported. Can you guide me what the problem is?
In addition, the command "importReference" is not clear to me. Using this command, how does the computer find out, for example, which reference column the "Altitude" factor corresponds to?
import os, Metashape
doc = Metashape.app.document
chunk = doc.addChunk()
Pfad1 = "C:/Users/Desktop/TIFF"
Liste = os.listdir(Pfad1)
Fotos = list()
for Foto in Liste:
Fotos.append("/".join([Pfad1, Foto]))
Pfad2 = "C:/Users/Desktop/Referenz.csv"
chunk.importReference(Pfad2, delimiter = ';', columns = 'nxyz', skip_rows = 1)
Best Regards,
Mojtaba Goudarzi