
Author Topic: MicaSense calibration irregularities  (Read 7765 times)


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MicaSense calibration irregularities
« on: June 16, 2023, 03:44:29 AM »
We have been processing MicaSense MX Dual imagery and are getting inconsistent results. Some of our panels are unreliable, because we work in forests where shadows are hard to avoid. Depending on the flight, the best ortho may be produced by a single panel + sun sensor, multiple panels + sun sensor, or sun sensor only. However, the results sometimes do not change between one panel and multiple panels. i would like to know more about how MetaShape chooses which values to use.

I have two questions:
(1) What is the calibration method used when only "sun sensor" is checked? There is a dark level value stored in the XMP data, but what is used to determine the upper limit in order to produce reflectance values?

(2) When multiple reflectance panels are used, how does MetaShape determine which model to fit? In other words, does it average the panel values? Or fit a best line across time? The Micasense website says: "The date/time of the panel images can be used to define a time-varying model. This time-dependent model can then be applied to each image individually, taking into account the image's own date/time stamp. This can be achieved with a simple linear interpolation across CRP captures, or with a more complex least-squares fit model depending on the accuracy needed." Which one is used?

Thank you very much!