
Author Topic: Create DEM without GPS/GCPS but known feature sizes in model?  (Read 2966 times)


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Hi all,

I've got a model that I created using SFM that I do not have GPS from the cameras nor do I have GPS of any ground control points. However, I do have an object of known dimensions (scale bar) from which I can provide x y z lengths in millimeters. Is there a way to input these known dimensions to then generate a DEM from? Or anything similar? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Re: Create DEM without GPS/GCPS but known feature sizes in model?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2023, 12:10:21 PM »

You just have to add points on the edges of this object (which will become GCPs). Then if you want to set the orientation of your project using this reference object, you can input it's edges as local coordinates. If you just want to scale up your project, then select two points, right-click on them and select add scalebar. Then you'll be able to set the scale bar length.