you can look at average GSD for both data sets,,, see if they are very different....
If you are flying both WingTra Sony RGB and WingTra Altum MS at same altitud, then the GSDs between 2 sets will be more than 3 times different and thus matching between 2 sets will not be feasible.
For example a Altum MS flown at 118 m will have a GSD around 5 cm:
Number of images: 1,266
Flying altitude: 118 m
Ground resolution: 0.0517 m/pix
Coverage area: 1.19e+05 m²
Camera stations: 1,248
Tie points: 122,137
Projections: 1,395,661
Reprojection error: 0.331 pix
Camera Model Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size Precalibrated
Altum, Blue (8mm) 2064 x 1544 8 mm 3.45 x 3.45 μm Yes
Altum, Green (8mm) 2064 x 1544 8 mm 3.45 x 3.45 μm Yes
Altum, Red (8mm) 2064 x 1544 8 mm 3.45 x 3.45 μm Yes
Altum, Red edge (8mm) 2064 x 1544 8 mm 3.45 x 3.45 μm Yes
Altum, NIR (8mm) 2064 x 1544 8 mm 3.45 x 3.45 μm Yes
Altum, LWIR (1.77mm) 160 x 120 1.77 mm 12 x 12 μm Yes
While the Sony RX flown at same altitud will have GSD around 1.5 cm:
WingTra with 42 MP Sony RX1RM2
IMAGE Format Full
Alongtrack 24.008 mm 5304 pixel
crosstrack 35.994 mm 7952 pixel
Pixel 4.53 µm 4.53 µm
Focal lenght 35 mm 36.8
GSD 1.5 cm
HeightAGL 116 m 381 ft
I would recommend if you fly your Wingtra Altum at 100 m for example then fly the WingTra Sony at 300 m if you can...Then matching can be feasible between RGB visible and MultiSpectral...