
Author Topic: 3D Models in Agisoft Viewer preferably Georeferenced  (Read 10279 times)


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3D Models in Agisoft Viewer preferably Georeferenced
« on: June 30, 2023, 11:16:42 AM »

Currently we are supplying our clients with volumetric drawings for things like stockpiles etc. The drawings serve their purpose but do not really advertise what we are doing with point clouds and 3D models.

I'm trying to find a way to supply them with the ability to view and interact with the 3D models we can create. This would give them extra utility and provide additional eye candy that may help secure additional work.

I thought Agisoft Viewer would be perfect for this but haven't had success so far.

I have brought .tif files but these are obviously only 2.5D models and don't look great.

Ideally I would like to bring in a full 3D model.

If someone could let me know the best format and settings for model export that would be great.

Also if it could be in the correct position to our coordinate system that would be much better for us. I found a thread on here saying they solved the positioning exporting a tiled model but I could not get this to work.

Any help with the above would be greatly appreciated.


Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: 3D Models in Agisoft Viewer preferably Georeferenced
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2023, 08:02:50 PM »
Hello James,

For large models visualization it is better to generate the tiled model in Metashape and transfer it to Viewer via TLS format.

Regular textured mesh models can be exported to most common formats, like FBX, OBJ, for example. But usually such formats do not support georeferencing, so I recommend to consider using tiled models for your needs. If you have already generated a mesh model in Metashape, then you can use it as a source for the tiled model generation to save some processing time and then just export.
Not sure, what kind of issues you are experiencing following the tiled model approach.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC