
Author Topic: Clarify/complete reference preselection  (Read 4410 times)


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Clarify/complete reference preselection
« on: July 24, 2023, 11:46:08 AM »

Alignments are sometimes giving pretty hard times, especially when a short deadline is given for the project (almost every time...). It would be nice to add "advanced settings" to the images preselection, like:
- Generic: groups size
- Reference / Estimated: Neighbors distance, number and/or max h offset (would be pretty useful for interiors with multiple floors)
- Groups, links (like a folder by room and folders with images linking different spaces)

In fact, those processes can't always be automatic and usually the user knows more informations than the software. Hence, it's absolutely necessary to give users the access to certain parameters they know exists. Grouping them in "advanced settings" can warn the user to know exactly what he expects, or leave default settings. If some of those functions already exists as tweaks, then I ask you one more time to give a list of the available tweaks! Agisoft is supposed to be a professionnal software, so please stop considering that users will break the software every time you give them some room on parameters. Those advanced settings can be part of the professionnal version only for example.
