Hi there,
we create 3d models of tunnels using a multirig setup of regular cameras. additionally we have a thermal unit with 5 cams mounted on our scanning device. the regular photogrammetric processing is working fine, but I have some problems with the thermal data. the thermal cams have a resolution of 640x480 and data is delivered as csv, which we transform into a wrong color picture.
I have tried the following things:
- Aligning of the thermal fotos is not working and also adding them to the regular alignment and trying to incremental align is not working.
- I can calculate the positions of the thermal cameras (omega, phi, kappa) basing on regular alignments, because I know the spatial relation to the regular cams. I wanted to use the thermal camera reference to force the alignment, but this is also not working. Probably due the low resolution and missing prominent points for the alignment.
- Moreover I thought it should be possible to combine a photogrammetric model with the thermal fotos and positions for texturing. the texturing starts and is runnig for a while, but then aborts saying "no cameras". Is it possible to texture with not aligned cams?
Do you have any suggestions how I can process my thermal data?